collage images provided by: Cosmopolitan Magazine, Harry Miller, and Ricardo Gomez Angel

Member-only story

Your Shame is Holding You Back

Erin Monahan


What Does Catholicism, White Supremacy, and the Mainstream Environmental Movement Have in Common?

After reading, “I Work in the Environmental Movement. I Don’t Care if You Recycle,” I have been thinking a lot about shame…and guilt. The author, Mary Annaise Heglar shows us that the global narrative on climate change is weighed too heavily on personal choices and actions:

All too often, our culture broadly equates “environmentalism” with personal consumerism. To be “good,” we must convert to 100 percent solar energy, ride an upcycled bike everywhere, stop flying, eat vegan. We have to live a zero-waste lifestyle, never use Amazon Prime, etc., etc. I hear this message everywhere: the left- and right-wing media and within the environmental movement. It’s even been used by the courts and the fossil fuel industry itself as a defense against litigation.

I grew up with a mother who recycled and still recycles relentlessly. The word “recycle” reminds me of my mom. This was embedded so deep into my conditioning that if friends didn’t recycle they would get an ear-ful from me about why they should.

As a kid I was also heavily indoctrinated into thinking that there was a “good” and a “bad” way to be. I wanted to find out what was the “best” way to be. I was…



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