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White Women Tears Are Weapons of Domestic Terrorism and Our Desire to “People-Please” is Rooted in Anti-Blackness
As a white woman who, because of my white skin, will be received as softer and more likeable compared to Black women and femmes, I know it is my responsibility to validate, honor, and uplift Black women and femmes when they speak their truth and tell their stories.
This is why when Lana Del Rey posted her shit-show of a diary entry on Instagram it reeked of a pouty entitlement wrapped up in a sinister system that empowered Carolyn Donham Bryant to conjure a narrative so evil that it led to the horrific murder of a 14-year-old boy, Emmett Till.
What white lies are we telling that lead to Black deaths? When we say language matters it means that it is a matter of life and death.
How, as white women, have we confused our self-advocacy with violence that lands on Black bodies? When do we willingly shape-shift into a damsel being abducted by King Kong when there is actually no threat? All white women are possessed by the white psyche that informed and fueled Amy Cooper’s anti-Black rage.
Yes, rage. Because she was rageful that Christian Cooper, a Black man refused to stay in his societally-imposed inferior position by challenging her white authority.